Exercises for the legs varicose veins after surgery.

Immediately after surgery, you can already begin to do the simplest exercise, while it is in the prone position – rotate and fold tarso joints , do movements that mimic a bike ride. Since you will be allowed to get out of bed, start walking is the best way to restore and improve the flow of venous blood. During walks set in accordance with their feelings, increase gradually.

Just occurs a feeling of heaviness in the legs and calves, as well as need to be taken discumbentes position. If you can't lift foot of the bed, the underlay under the foot pad – you won't need to be in a horizontal position. In the first 1-1,5 months after the surgery stick щадящего operation, avoid the loads, but gradually, so that within two months to lead the usual, familiar for you life.

Care for sutures and diet

Give the seams stronger and cicatrice orta est, not squallentes legs. The first few weeks, wash the feet with warm water and do not use sponges and brushes. Eliminate for six months, visiting the baths and saunas. If during the healing seams to start to itch – apply a thin film of the iodine , this will help relieve the itching and accelerate healing.

If you have excess weight, you need to reset it – this is an extra load on the legs and veins. Follow a special diet, which I don't need to drink carrot juice, contributing to the increase of coagulation of blood . And here cherries, citrus fruits, tomatoes, grenades, blood liquefy, so you will necessarily have to include in your diet. In the initial period, after consultation with your doctor, it can be used and medical facilities, thin the blood and prevent the formation of blood clots.

The operation of the quam varicose veins is a complex process that requires preparation and a long recovery.

For a recovery period has passed successfully and without complications, it is important to carefully follow the instructions of the attending physician, eat a balanced diet and to completely eliminate the harmful habits.

The operation of the quam varicose or phlebectomy held with the weakness of the conservative treatment. The radical surgery is necessary in risk of thrombosis, powerful Superba, trophic ulcers, irreversible changes of the blood vessels.

Surgery varicose veins</1_img>

The operation of the quam varicose veins is performed under general or local anesthesia in a hospital, it takes more than 2.5 hours. Much longer the recovery period. How safely passed, depends further the health of the patient.

With modern minimally invasive techniques (e. g., склеротерапии) the hospitalization is not necessary. The procedure is done in outpatient clinics, after 3 hours after this, the patient can go home.

However, the recovery period is needed and in case of non-traumatica methods. The non-observance of the operation and poor diet may cause relapse of the disease.

The recovery period after surgery in quam varicose veins aims at the prevention of complications often arise after the procedure.

In unpleasant consequences after surgery in quam varicose veins varicose veins include:
  • pain and feeling of heaviness in the legs?
  • development of quam varicose veins and a defeat for new veins?
  • numbness of the limbs, reduction of the sensitivity of the skin?
  • bleeding and rotting in places vein removal.

After the operation in the quam varicose veins the patient remains in the hospital 3-5 days. The doctor monitor the patient's condition, if necessary, appoint painkillers. As a preventative apply tenui sanguine, and decongestants drugs.


In a period of recovery after surgery in quam varicose veins patient is essential compressive knits : leggings, stockings or socks. If the feet swell and get the product of desired size is impossible, use a wide elastic bandage.

This is imposed by the legs up to the knee and to hang in the leg, not сдавливая. Bandages will need to wear throughout the recovery period, daily changing, wounds treated chlorhexidine or other disinfecting medicines.

After the removal quam varicose veins of the vein is necessary to rest in bed, however, the complete stillness save is not necessary. The patient can move the legs, rotate, make a circular motion foot, bend at the knees.

The mini-gym in a period of recovery after surgery in quam varicose veins improves blood circulation, helps to flush lymph circulation and prevention of edema.

When the patient can get up from the bed, you need to increase the motor activity. You can walk in the room, do gymnastics on the rise and the precipitation of the direct or bent legs.

Particularly useful in the postoperative period in quam varicose veins exercises on the floor:
  • simulation of cycling?
  • improvement of the knee towards the chest?
  • withdrawal of the abdominal wall.
Such moves not only improve the circulation of blood, and warn of constipation, which is dangerous when quam varicose veins.

In a period of recovery, special attention should be given to areas, where continued operation. The seams are formed 2-3 months, still the same time you will get scars.

Diet during the recovery period after surgery in quam varicose veins should be balanced and varied, fully the exception of the products-provocateurs. On the first day after the surgery the patient offer a semi-liquid porridge water, soups vegetabilis it? broth, steamed meatballs from the white meat, poultry, нежирная fish, vegetables boiled. After graduating from the bed the menu, you can expand.

Important! Avoid overeating. Excess weight in quam varicose veins are unacceptable, the maximum nutrient diet – 2500 calories per day (for men with moderate physical activity).

During the recovery period after surgery in quam varicose veins it is very important for consumption.
  • the menu includes homemade compote, and fructus bibit, rich in vitamin c and potassium?
  • instead of coffee better to drink green or herbal tea?
  • the et operated quam varicose veins positively affect fresh juices from pyropis, cherry, blackcurrant, orange, tangerine, grapefruit. Enrich the body with vitamins, LASCIVIBUNDUS, contribute to the liquefaction of the blood.

After the operation in the quam varicose veins from the diet should be deleted dishes, cause thrombosis, edema, ухудшающие blood circulation. This category includes a variety of smoked and canned goods containing an increased amount of salt and preservatives, chili sauces and spices, fatty meats, solid vegetable fats, industrial sweets and fizzy drinks.

In a period of recovery after surgery ruled out the alcohol completely, it is good to quit smoking. Ethyl alcohol and nicotine speeds up the process of deformation of blood vessels and can cause thrombosis.


The recovery period after surgery in quam varicose veins – the ability to pay particular attention on the health. The right diet, the observance of hygiene rules, reasonable physical activity, with the exception of precipitating factors will help you to recover as soon as possible and to avoid unpleasant complications.